To My Son, Part II.

One year ago today, surrounded by family and friends, a balloon was popped and blue confetti rained down. And my beautiful baby boy, I am so sorry that I was so sad. In hindsight, I was being so silly. But at that moment in time, I was scared and sad and confused about why I was feeling this way when I knew you were happy and healthy and I prayed and wished for you for so long.

If anyone wants a recap of the blog post that shook the world, you can find that Here.

Continue reading “To My Son, Part II.”

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Back to Work I Go

Time flies when you are having fun- and when you have a baby.  I can’t believe that my 12 weeks of maternity leave is officially over, and come Monday, I will be a working momma.  I always figured I would be dying to go back to work.  I’ve had a job since I was 14 years old, it’s what I’m used to. But now that Bodhi is here, I feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety, sadness, and the good old mom guilt of going back to work. Not only that, but living in sweatpants is a glorious thing, and not a single pair of my dress slacks even fit this post baby bod.

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Being a Mom.

I feel like this is going to be a roller coaster of emotions- so bear with me on this one!  Let’s start with the main attraction- Mr. Bodhi!

I LOVE being a mom.  6 weeks ago, my world was forever changed when a special little boy was placed into my arms. He is seriously my pride and joy and I don’t think I could ever love anything as much as I love him.  Even in the middle of the night or through the tears and ear piercing cry, he is my everything.  I’m torn though, because all I want to do is just stare at him, but a lot of times I find myself watching him through my phone.  I try to capture as many moments as I can, every smile and frown and silly face he makes.  But when he looks back at me, he sees the back of my phone, and I really don’t like living through my phone screen.  I need to learn to just soak up the moments and capture the memories in my mind.  It won’t kill me not to have every second of every day captured in a photograph. Bodhi does get his picture taken every single day in his crib though, and I plan on making a time lapse of him growing throughout his first year of life 🙂

Continue reading “Being a Mom.”